Our Services
Digital X-ray
General Medicine
Operation Theatre
Training Unit
Occupational Therapy
The Leprosy Mission Hospital Shahdara, is one of the 14 hospitals of The Leprosy Mission Trust India. This hospital was started in 1984 to cater to the health needs of the residents of the largest leprosy complex in India located at Tahirpur, just 1km from the hospital. Minimal medical services and the related stigma and discrimination was a concern which has been taken care through its community outreach initiative, it engages and educates rural communities on matters of health, and provides them health check-up and medical care.
What is Leprosy ?
Leprosy is an infectious disease affecting the skin & nerves caused by a tiny rod-like germ called Mycobacterium leprae a bacteria, Dr G.A. Hansen first described it in 1873.
Are There Different Types of Leprosy ?
The type of leprosy a person will develop is dependent on their natural resistance to the disease not the type of germ. There is only one leprosy germ but people react to it in different ways. If a person has no resistance, the germs multiply freely in the skin, the lining of the nose and even deep organs like the liver. This is lepromatous leprosy. Other types are tuberculoid, borderline and indeterminate, each with their own typical symptoms. Many people have a natural resistance to leprosy and will never develop clinical signs though exposed to untreated, active patients for long periods.
What are the Early Signs of Leprosy ?
The early signs and symptoms of leprosy can vary considerably depending on a patient’s resistance to the disease. They can be easily missed or mistaken for some other disease by the untrained person. People with lepromatous leprosy usually develop a skin rash or nodules while tuberculoid leprosy might first show itself as an area of numbness or pins and needles. Dark-skinned people sometimes have patches that are paler in colour than their normal skin and light-skinned patients show pinkish and reddish patches. There is no one “first sign” of leprosy. Careful consultation by a competent doctor with the examination of skin smears under a microscope is necessary for correct diagnosis.
How is Leprosy Caught ?
Like the common cold. Scientifically speaking, it is almost impossible to prove how the leprosy germ gets from one person to another, but people with lepromatous leprosy expel large numbers of germs from their nose and mouth. Like the common cold it is probable that the germs get into the body by inhalation or ingestion as happens in other diseases such as tuberculosis and influenza. Researchers are still working on how exactly the germ moves from one person to the next.
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About Leprosy
While the prospects for people affected by leprosy have vastly improved, leprosy remains a disease that destroys lives and blights communities.
Every 2
someone is diagnosed with leprosy
Leprosy is
ith a full course of multi-drug therapy

60% of leprosy
cases are in India
leprosy is also prevalent in Africa and South East Asia
Early diagnosis
and treatment
Can help avoid permanent disability
What we do
Everything we do is focused on our goals of zero leprosy transmission, zero leprosy disability and zero leprosy discrimination. We work in four key areas to achieve this.

Diagnosing and treating leprosy

Caring for disabled people

Fighting stigma and advocating for change