Our History: A Legacy of Caring
The Leprosy Mission community hospital Shahdara is one of the 14 hospitals of The Leprosy Mission Trust India. It was started as a leprosy clinic in Tahirpur colony in 1982 with one medical officer and Para Medical Worker. The hospital building was consecrated in the year 1984 to cater to the health needs of the residents of the largest leprosy complex in India located at Tahirpur, just 1km from the hospital. Since then, hospital has developed into a tertiary leprosy care hospital with inpatient facilities, physiotherapy, community based projects, rehabilitation, eye care, ulcer care, footwear, OPD, laboratory facilities. The Stanley Browne Laboratory, one of its kind in the country is in hospital premises. The hospital also enjoys a very good reputation as a training centre for govt and NGO staff. TLM Shahdara hospital attracts patients from neighbouring Western UP and Delhi. Also, it is becoming a centre of excellence for dermatology and medicine. It is a hub for MCR footwear distribution to Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi. TLM Shahdara has MOUs with various colleges for one month training of undergraduate students in clinical and surgical leprosy.
Glimpse of our journey
During late 1970s...
Leprosy colonies in outskirts of delhi with no medical care…
In the year 1979
First leprosy relief work at Delhi at colony, Anandgram
Hospital construction (Ground floor) 1983
Completion of ground floor construction 1984
Inauguration of Leprosy Mission Shahdara hospital - March 5th, 1984
In-patient facilities at hospital 1985
Operation theatre 1985
First floor construction 1985
First floor completed front view 1986
Eye department 1986
Initiation of community outreach program, Tihar jail project - 1986
Second floor completion - 1999
Registration of hospital (DHS) - 2009